Great Northern Insurance Agency Fri, 09 Sep 2022 18:04:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Información importante sobre los servicios de seguros SR-22 en Chicago Thu, 06 Jun 2019 09:34:32 +0000 ¿Has recibido una notificación diciéndote que necesitas un seguro SR-22? ¿No sabes ni siquiera si necesitas este tipo de seguro? Ante todo tranquilidad. En este artículo, vamos a explicarte los asuntos más importantes sobre el funcionamiento de los seguros SER-22 en Chicago e Illinois.1. Solo lo necesitas si te lo han notificadoEste tipo de seguro, […]

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¿Has recibido una notificación diciéndote que necesitas un seguro SR-22? ¿No sabes ni siquiera si necesitas este tipo de seguro? Ante todo tranquilidad. En este artículo, vamos a explicarte los asuntos más importantes sobre el funcionamiento de los seguros SER-22 en Chicago e Illinois.

1. Solo lo necesitas si te lo han notificado

Este tipo de seguro, solo es necesario si has recibido una notificación de la autoridad de tráfico. Generalmente, estas notificaciones solo se reciben si cometes una infracción como puede ser manejar tu auto sin seguro y que te identifiquen haciéndolo, manejar bajo los efectos de las drogas o el alcohol, provocar un accidente o manejar por encima del límite de velocidad.

2. El SR-22 es un certificado, no un seguro

El SR-22 es un certificado que certifica que tienes el seguro mínimo necesario para manejar por las calles de Chicago y el resto de carreteras de Illinois. Los seguros que habilitan recibir este certificado, son un poco más caros, porque se entiende que si te han solicitado el certificado significa que eres un conductor de riesgo.

3. Coberturas mínimas

Las coberturas mínimas que debe tener tu seguro de auto para manejar legalmente por Chicago son:

  • Lesiones personales: 25000 $ por lesión para una persona.
  • Lesiones personales: 50000 $ en total en un accidente.
  • Daños materiales: 20000 $ por accidente.
  • Cobertura de personas sin seguro: 25 000 $ por persona y 50000 $ por accidente.

4. Las autoridades sabrán si dejas de pagar

Como ya hemos dicho, el SR-22 hace que se te considere conductor de riesgo. En consecuencia, las autoridades obligan a las aseguradoras a que las notifiquen en el caso de que un cliente con el seguro SR-22 deje de pagar sus cuotas. Por tanto, no debes manejar ni tu auto ni ningún otro bajo ningún concepto siempre que no estés al día de los pagos a la aseguradora.

Cómo conseguir un seguro de auto a buen precio

En pueden ayudarte a encontrar una aseguradoras que te ofrezca el seguro SR-22 en Chicago a un precio razonable. Tienen mucha experiencia en el sector de los seguros de Illinois y trabajan habitualmente con más de 20 compañías, por lo que siempre tienen una buena opción para sus clientes.

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Finding a Great Auto Insurance Provider in Chicago Thu, 06 Jun 2019 09:30:41 +0000 It sometimes seems every auto insurance company is promising the same things, saying they can save you hundreds of dollars if you switch to their company. How can that be true? The thing is it’s not entirely a lie. People can save money by switching over to substandard policies. However, if someone is looking for […]

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It sometimes seems every auto insurance company is promising the same things, saying they can save you hundreds of dollars if you switch to their company. How can that be true? The thing is it’s not entirely a lie. People can save money by switching over to substandard policies. However, if someone is looking for a truly great auto insurance provider in Chicago, they probably want a little bit more than something that’s just affordable. While affordability is important, other things are too, such as great customer service and the ability to make payments on your terms. Here are some things to think about when searching for your next auto insurance provider.

Customer Service

Most people don’t think about the importance of customer service until they need to deal with a representative. Finding a company that offers caring and professional staff to help when you need them is incredibly important. When it comes to finding an auto insurance provider in Chicago, you should be able to judge the merit of their customer service from the moment you contact them to discuss their policies. This comes into play later if you ever have to file a claim or get any documentation regarding your policy.


Always pay attention to what other people are saying about the insurance company you are interested in. Authentic reviews about an insurance company give you a firsthand look at how you can expect that company to treat you if you decide to become a client. If you’re looking for an auto insurance provider in Chicago, you can also compare reviews between various companies to give you a better idea of which one may be able to provide you with the type of service you think will work best for you and your needs.

If you would like to learn more about auto insurance or are searching for an auto insurance provider in Chicago, contact us today.

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Tips to Get the Best Automobile Insurance Coverage in Chicago Tue, 07 May 2019 08:50:26 +0000 When it comes to purchasing your auto insurance, it’s essential to shop around and make sure you get the coverage you need for the best possible price. While it may feel like there’s nothing you can do to change what price you must pay, the following tips can ensure you get the right automotive insurance […]

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When it comes to purchasing your auto insurance, it’s essential to shop around and make sure you get the coverage you need for the best possible price. While it may feel like there’s nothing you can do to change what price you must pay, the following tips can ensure you get the right automotive insurance coverage in Chicago without paying too much.

Do Your Research

Do you know exactly what you need for automobile insurance coverage in Chicago? You may have a general idea, but do you really know what the law states and what each type of coverage means? Do your research on what each of the terms means and what Illinois requires so you know what’s going on when you talk to your insurance company.

Ask About Discounts

Most insurance companies offer discounts on the coverage they offer based on a variety of factors. Unfortunately, not all these discounts are offered automatically. In some cases, you may need to ask for them. This is another area where research can be invaluable. Find out which types of discounts are typically offered by companies and ask about them directly. You may also ask your agent what other discounts for which you may be qualified.

Check Rates Regularly

Rates can change on a regular basis. For the most part, you need to get your rates re-evaluated at least annually so you can be sure you’re getting the best rates. When you work with an insurance broker, you can rest assured they will help you get the lowest rates possible at any given time.

If you’re looking for affordable automobile insurance coverage in Chicago, contact us to get a quote.

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¿Cuándo es el momento adecuado para obtener la póliza de seguro SR-22 en Chicago, IL? Tue, 07 May 2019 08:49:02 +0000 ¿No sabes si deberías tener un seguro de auto con SR-22 en Chicago? No te preocupes porque no eres el único. Es habitual que los conductores hagan preguntas de este tipo a sus compañías de seguro. Aquí te explicamos las bases del SR-22 para que no tengas más dudas.¿Cuándo es el momento de obtener la […]

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¿No sabes si deberías tener un seguro de auto con SR-22 en Chicago? No te preocupes porque no eres el único. Es habitual que los conductores hagan preguntas de este tipo a sus compañías de seguro. Aquí te explicamos las bases del SR-22 para que no tengas más dudas.

¿Cuándo es el momento de obtener la póliza de seguro SR-22 en Chicago?

Lo primero que debes saber es que el SR-22 no es un seguro realmente, sino un certificado de que tienes un seguro que cumple con las coberturas mínimas exigidas por la ley de Illinois.

El momento de adquirir este certificado se da cuando el secretario de estado de Illinois (Illinois Secretary of State) te notifica que debes tenerlo. Generalmente, esta situación ocurrirá después de una infracción grave como conducir bajos los efectos del alcohol o drogas o un gran exceso de velocidad. Sin embargo, también pueden notificarte que lo necesitas si cometes muchas faltas leves.

Una vez que te lo han notificado, el momento es cuanto antes mejor. Esto es así porque la obligación de tener el SR-22 tiene un plazo, generalmente de 3 años, que no empieza hasta que sacas el certificado y que no se debe interrumpir. El SR-22 está pensado para que la aseguradora avise a las autoridades si dejas de pagar el seguro. Además, de eso, si dejas de pagar, el plazo se interrumpirá y volverá a empezar de cero cuando vuelvas a pagar el seguro. Lo peor que puedes hacer es dejar de pagar el seguro de auto de tu SR-22 cuando ya llevas varios meses pagándolo.

Por tanto, lo más recomendable es no demorarse y empezar cuanto antes para acabar también cuanto antes.

¿Dónde conseguirlo?

En trabajan con más de una veintena de compañías de seguros, por lo que es uno de los mejores sitios para pedir tu SR-22 en Chicago. Ellos pueden ayudarte a comparar las ofertas de diferentes compañías y elegir la mejor para ti. Además, su gran experiencia en el mercado, hace que consigan excelentes condiciones para sus clientes. Al fin y al cabo, una empresa que refiere una gran cantidad de usuarios, tiene mucho más poder de negociación que un individuo aislado.

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Filed an Auto Insurance Claim? What Happens Next Mon, 03 Oct 2016 21:53:45 +0000 Oh, no. You’ve gotten into a car accident. Whether or not you’re at fault, the aftermath can be difficult, and you’re not looking forward to dealing with all the paperwork in the aftermath. If you’re filing a claim with your insurance company, you may be wondering what happens after you send it in. While each […]

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Oh, no. You’ve gotten into a car accident. Whether or not you’re at fault, the aftermath can be difficult, and you’re not looking forward to dealing with all the paperwork in the aftermath.

If you’re filing a claim with your insurance company, you may be wondering what happens after you send it in. While each company’s process is unique, most have the same basic steps. If you want to know what’s happening with your claim, read on. This blog will show you what’s happening at your insurance company.

1. Gather Evidence

After you file your claim, your insurance company first needs to look at all the accounts of what happened. They will assign an insurance adjustor or liability examiner to your case. That person may:

  • Ask for a copy of the police report from the accident
  • Talk to the other driver and any witnesses to get their stories of what happened
  • Look at and photograph your car’s damage
  • Visit where the accident took place
  • Look at your medical records to see the extent of your injuries (if you sign a medical release form allowing him or her to do so)
  • Check your social media accounts to see if you’re telling a different story of what happened online-after all, some people file fraudulent claims

Once your insurance adjustor has all of the information he or she needs, you can start taking care of your car.

2. Repair the Damage

Most insurance companies understand that you can’t put your life on hold while they make a decision about your claim. While they deliberate, they’ll help you get your car fixed. The process is different for each company, so make sure to ask what to do, but generally, companies have repair shops that they trust.

If you take your car into a trusted shop, you can be assured that the insurance company won’t argue with you on the cost. However, if you take your car into a shop of your choice that the insurance company isn’t familiar with, your insurance company may decide that the repair price is higher than it should be, and you’ll have to make up the cost.

Make sure you know what your insurance company wants to you do before just picking a shop at your leisure. That way, your insurance is more likely to cover the entire cost of the repair.

3. Determine Fault

Now that your insurance company has gathered evidence and had time to review it, they need to make a decision about who is at fault in the accident. It’s likely that they will work closely with the other driver’s insurance company during this time.

Fault isn’t all-or-nothing. It’s entirely possible that the companies will agree that both people are partially at fault: one person could have been speeding, and the other could have been turning without using a turn signal. If both people messed up, the insurance companies will decide what percentage of blame to assign to each (like 80 percent to one driver and 20 percent to the other).

The costs follow the percentage of blame: the insurance company of the person who is 80 percent at fault will pay 80 percent of the total costs. With so much investigation and negotiation, it’s no wonder that the claim process can take a while.

4. Settle the Claim

Now that the insurance company has decided on how much it will pay versus how much the other company will pay for the accident, it’s time to settle your claim. You’ll soon hear their decision and receive any reimbursement you need.


If you’re not happy with the way your insurance company is treating you, consider Great Northern Insurance Agency. We make a point of treating our customers like people, not numbers. And if you were recently in an accident, we hope you’ll get the best outcome possible.

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Want to Become a Driver for a Ridesharing Company? 5 Factors to Consider Mon, 19 Sep 2016 21:53:37 +0000 With the rising popularity of Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing companies, using your car to make a little extra cash may seem like a great idea. However, while driving for a ridesharing company works for many car owners, it is more complicated than just signing up and showing up.You might make good money through ridesharing, […]

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With the rising popularity of Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing companies, using your car to make a little extra cash may seem like a great idea. However, while driving for a ridesharing company works for many car owners, it is more complicated than just signing up and showing up.

You might make good money through ridesharing, especially if you live near a big city, but you also have to consider the costs and restrictions your new job makes you subject to.

In this blog, we cover five considerations that many prospective drivers forget.

1. Insurance Coverage Requirements

The insurance you have for your personal vehicle only covers situations that qualify as just thatpersonal. When you also use your car for business purposes, you encounter situations that aren’t covered in your personal policy.

Because you will use your vehicle for commercial purposes, you must disclose your ridesharing occupation to your insurer. If you choose not to report your commercial driving or choose not to change your policy, your insurer may drop your coverage.

2. Local Regulations

Ridesharing companies have expanded quickly and many cities and states still do not have a standard way for regulating ridesharing.

Because of this difficulty, some locations have banned ridesharing entirely. In other places, you may have to drive a newer model car, have specific insurance coverages, or submit to a background check before becoming a ridesharing driver.

Check your local regulations to ensure you operate within the law in your area.

3. Taxes for Independent Contractors

When you work for a ridesharing company, you technically work as an independent contractor. While your day job pays you at a specific time and takes taxes directly out of your paychecks, your ridesharing income will work differently.

When you work as an independent contractor, you must pay your taxes to the IRS directly. If you make a lot of money through your ridesharing work, you may need to pay estimated taxes. Essentially, when you pay estimated taxes, you project how much you will make for the year, determine taxes based on that amount, and make quarterly payments.

Because independent contractors often pay a higher tax rate and the filing process can be complex, you may want to work with a tax professional.

4. Vehicle Wear and Tear

Your daily commute puts plenty of wear and tear on your car, but ridesharing can cause even faster deterioration. When you put more miles on your car overall, you must replace your tires and change your oil more often. Additionally, drivers who work in cities often go through brake pads more quickly.

To minimize wear and tear, avoid idling and schedule routine maintenance as needed.

5. Work-Related Expenses

Ridesharing companies claim that their drivers make enormous amounts of income for the hours they work. This claim can be true depending on where you work. However, you must also consider the expenses that come with a vehicle-dependent occupation.

Remember, much of the money you make will go toward paying for gas and the other expenses listed above. Consider calculating your estimated insurance cost, taxes, and other expenses before deciding to drive for a rideshare company.


Take all these factors into consideration to decide if ridesharing represents a viable option for you and your vehicle.

Think driving for a ridesharing company could work for you? Consult with Great Northern Insurance Agency to find the right insurance coverage to keep you safe and compliant with laws in your area.

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Should You Buy a House? 4 Benefits of Home Ownership Fri, 02 Sep 2016 18:33:54 +0000 As a young single person or newlywed, you probably look at the expense of buying and maintaining a home and feel a little apprehension. Houses can often cost more than apartments, and houses also come with less flexibility than apartments. After all, when you have an apartment, you can move on to an exciting new […]

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As a young single person or newlywed, you probably look at the expense of buying and maintaining a home and feel a little apprehension. Houses can often cost more than apartments, and houses also come with less flexibility than apartments. After all, when you have an apartment, you can move on to an exciting new locale with new neighbors when the lease ends.

Yet, your parents and the other adults in your life swear by home ownership. They tell you about the freedoms you’ll have when you have a property you actually own. But is it really advantageous to own a home?

Below, you will find a list of some of the most prominent benefits you will reap after you buy a house.

1. You Get a Tax Deduction From Your Home

When you own a home, you don’t have to pay as much in taxes as you did before. Tax deductions lower the adjusted gross income on your tax forms every year, which means you have a lower tax liability as well. These deductions come from everything you pay on mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and any points you pay to a lender when you create a new loan or refinance.

In addition to tax deductions, you can also get tax credits on your home if you improve it to make it more environmentally friendly, such as adding certain kinds of solar panels.

2. Houses Appreciate in Value

If you have ever watched your parents or family friends sell a home, then you probably noticed that the home sold for more money than they bought it for. Houses appreciate over time, which means they increase in value through the years. While your car decreases in value the moment it leaves the dealership, your home does the opposite when you buy it.

3. You Do Not Need Anyone’s Permission to Make Changes

Maybe you would like to paint a wall in your living room a deep, warm red to give the place some character. Or perhaps you want to replace the kitchen counters or the bathroom tile. When you rent, you have to ask your landlord if you can make these improvements, and he or she may refuse.

On the other hand, when you own a home, you get to decide what to do with it. So, if you want to significantly remodel, change the carpet, or add a greenhouse to the property, you can do so. A home you own is a canvas for your personality, while a place you rent is more of a spot to store your belongings.

4. Pets and Parties Are Not Off-Limits

Again, your landlord would normally stipulate that you cannot have a pet or a party in your rental. You would have to keep the noise to a minimum, and you would have to rent a pet kennel elsewhere to keep your cat or dog. The animal could never come into the apartment just in case future tenants have an allergy or a sensitivity to smells.

But again, when you own your own home, you get to decide what you do with it. You still have to respect your neighbors, but you can be much louder than you ever were in a rental, and you can have as many pets as you please.


Homes also come with increased privacy, predictable and stable living costs, and a sense of pride because you’ll live somewhere you own.

However, when you make a significant investment like a house, you need to protect it. Make sure you have home insurance so that if anything happens to your house, you don’t suffer financially as a result. Turn to a home insurance specialist to get the coverage you need, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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3 Reasons to Buy Insurance for Your Road Trip to Mexico Fri, 19 Aug 2016 18:30:02 +0000 Your international road trip through Mexico will be a fun, wild ride through a warm, exotic country. It’s the kind of scenic, eye-opening adventure that inspires travelogues and novels. It also will give you the convenience you love, taking your things with you in your own car without the hassle of flying internationally and checking […]

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Your international road trip through Mexico will be a fun, wild ride through a warm, exotic country. It’s the kind of scenic, eye-opening adventure that inspires travelogues and novels. It also will give you the convenience you love, taking your things with you in your own car without the hassle of flying internationally and checking bags.

Before you leave, you may want to purchase insurance specifically for your trip. Normal American car insurance policies won’t cover damage to your car or your liability in case of an accident.

The risks and consequences of driving in Mexico without insurance coverage are significant. Read on to learn the three reasons you should buy car insurance for your road trip.

1. Without Insurance, Your Car Can Be Impounded After an Accident.

Mexican law requires all drivers to have proof of financial responsibility. In other words, even for a short trip, you’ll need to have some form of liability insurance to legally drive in Mexico. The liability insurance you do buy must be from a company licensed in Mexico or a company that partners with a Mexico-based insurer.

If you choose to skip this minor purchase and you experience a collision, your car will be immediately impounded. You won’t be able to get your car out of the impound lot until you pay damages to the other party involved and the impound fee.

2. Without Insurance, You Risk Going to Jail

Scary stories of foreign jails aren’t something you want to experience yourself. Countries like Mexico don’t offer the same legal protections as the United States. In addition to legal boundaries, unless you are a competent Spanish speaker, you may have trouble contacting a local attorney and paying for your release should you find yourself in a Mexican jail.

While this scenario may seem hyperbolic, you risk jail time if you drive into Mexico without basic liability insurance and cause a car accident that results in bodily harm.  

3. Road Conditions Can Be Challenging, Even Treacherous.

As an American driver, you’re accustomed to well-lit streets, extensive signage, right-hand highway exits, and paved highways. In Mexico, you may not experience these commonalities of car travel.

Unlike the US, the Mexican government doesn’t maintain all roads, meaning many rural routes have large potholes. It’s not uncommon for these roads to be entirely without street lights or signage. Many highways in rural areas will also have open livestock grazing, where cattle roam freely on and across the road you’ll be driving on. All of these road conditions can put you at risk for damaging your vehicle.

Conditions aside, driving in a foreign country presents certain cultural differences that can make you susceptible to driver error.

For example, roads in Mexico use the “returno” system, instead of right-hand off-ramps. To exit a highway, you pause in the left hand turning lane, then make a U-turn and head to your destination. Mexican roads also feature many unmarked speed bumps, which you can accidentally hit at a high speed and damage your car. 


Without appropriate coverage, car accidents can be very costly and even result in jail time. As you’re weighing the added expense of buying insurance for your trip, review these three reasons why you should protect yourself and your vehicle in Mexico.

It’s mandatory for American drivers in Mexico to have liability insurance. Great Northern Insurance Agency works with one of the most well-known, widely respected insurance companies in Mexico, Seguros Ana, to provide you with exceptional coverage during your South-of-the-Border road trip. When you purchase Mexico-based car insurance from us, you get the benefit of Seguros Ana’s 24-hour bilingual hotline and roadside assistance.

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Supplemental Homeowners Insurance Options to Consider Fri, 05 Aug 2016 18:25:47 +0000 Think back on the last time you played the Game of Life. You drove your six-seater car around the board, getting married and buying a house when the squares and cards prompted you to do so. Did you land on any squares like “house flooded” or “tree falls through roof”? If you didn’t have homeowners […]

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Think back on the last time you played the Game of Life. You drove your six-seater car around the board, getting married and buying a house when the squares and cards prompted you to do so. Did you land on any squares like “house flooded” or “tree falls through roof”? If you didn’t have homeowners insurance at that moment, you owed thousands to the Life bank.

In today’s version of the Game of Life, a homeowners insurance policy covers anything that happens to your house. But in older versions, you had to buy a separate fire insurance policy if you wanted fire protection for your imaginary house. Those older rules resemble real-life insurance more closely than today’s game: most homeowners insurance policies have gaps.

When you invest in homeowners insurance, it’s vital for you to know what your policy covers-and what it doesn’t. You may decide to pay for supplemental insurance that protects your house against additional types of damage. Check out our list of coverage options to consider.


Many homeowners policies offer at least some coverage for mold damage. However, those policies usually have limits. For example, you might only receive funds for up to $10,000 worth of damage. You would have to pay for the rest of the restoration out of pocket.

Dozens of conditions can cause mold to grow inside your home, including:

  • Leaky or broken pipes
  • Poor ventilation
  • Leaky roofing
  • Flooding
  • Humidity

Mold often grows in walls, under cabinets, or in other places you don’t see often. Consequently, mold growth sometimes causes extensive damage before you know it’s there. Insurance agents usually offer extended coverage options for homeowners who want additional protection from mold damage.

Sewer Backup

Sewage pipes in many parts of the country are close to 100 years old. The older these systems become, the more likely they are to back up. Heavy rain or tree roots that grew into pipes are other common causes of sewer backups.

When a sewage backup occurs at your home, the resulting damage could affect the walls, flooring, and electrical wiring. It might even ruin your furniture. Plus, you’ll likely have to move out while you wait for restoration and construction crews to return your home to a livable condition.

Most homeowners policies offer little to no protection against this problem. For instance, the provider might pay for you to stay in a hotel while repairs take place but not pay for the repairs themselves. You can purchase supplemental insurance that takes care of these expenses if they come up. The premium is usually affordable, between $40 and $100 per year.


Many homeowners insurance policies include language that promises coverage for “water damage,” but exactly what “water damage” means varies from policy to policy. For example, some policies with water damage clauses won’t cover property damage caused by muddy water.

Clarify with your insurance agent whether your policy protects you from huge bills after a house flood. This step carries particular importance if you live in an area with frequent flooding or heavy rain, but flood insurance is a smart idea regardless of where you live. Repairing your house after a flood can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but you probably won’t pay more than a few hundred for the policy.

Trampolines and Tree Houses

Do your kids or grandkids love playing on these backyard extras? If they do, take precautions to make sure everyone avoids injury while having fun. Chances are your homeowners policy offers no coverage for accidents on these toys.

Insurance companies don’t like the high risk of injury associated with trampolines and tree houses. Thousands of people head to the emergency room every year after falling off these structures. If you have them on your property, your provider may automatically raise your premium or exclude coverage for trampoline or tree house injuries.

Some insurances companies do provide separate coverage for trampolines or tree houses. Ask an insurance broker to shop several providers for a reasonable policy you can add to your basic homeowners insurance.


If you own a dog, you consider him or her a member of your family. But insurance companies tend to see dogs as liabilities because when they bite, the victim might need expensive medical care. If your dog is a breed that your provider considers high risk, they may refuse to include dog-bite liability in your policy.

Ask your insurance agent if your dog qualifies as a high-risk breed with your provider. If it does, you may qualify for coverage after you take mandated precautions, such as putting your dog through obedience school. However, some companies refuse outright to insure some dog breeds, so you may have to switch providers or purchase a separate policy.


Talk to your insurance agent about what your homeowners policy covers. Discuss which types of supplemental coverage are suited for you so you don’t face unexpected bills after an accident or natural disaster. 

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How to Prepare for Anything During Your Next Road Trip Fri, 22 Jul 2016 18:24:01 +0000 While the open road beckons, you also feel a little apprehension. You know you would enjoy a road trip, but you cannot afford a mishap that leads to expensive automobile repairs or medical bills. Even a misadventure as simple as a flat tire could push your budget. So, for now, you have elected to stay […]

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While the open road beckons, you also feel a little apprehension. You know you would enjoy a road trip, but you cannot afford a mishap that leads to expensive automobile repairs or medical bills. Even a misadventure as simple as a flat tire could push your budget. So, for now, you have elected to stay at home and save your paychecks just in case something happens.

However, you do not have to stifle your wanderlust to keep yourself, your family, your vehicle, and your budget safe. With some advance preparation-and a little spending upfront-you can handle anything that chance sends your way on your next adventure. Use the instructions below to begin.

1. Purchase a Travel Protection Plan

A travel protection plan covers you in case your vehicle breaks down and you have to use a rental car for the remainder of your trip. Depending on the rental car companies in your vacation’s vicinity, the rental could prove expensive. When you add a travel protection plan to your insurance coverage, you do not have to worry about that potential expense.

2. Add Roadside Assistance to Your Car Insurance

Even if you have a travel protection plan and can get a rental car, what do you do if you cannot move your own car into a mechanic’s shop? Roadside assistance, another optional addition to your car insurance, gives you towing, repair, and lockout services for only a little extra money on your premium. So, should something go wrong while you travel, you can get help without stressing about the expense.

3. Schedule a Pre-Departure Car Inspection

Prevent car troubles before they occur by having a mechanic inspect your vehicle prior to your departure. Have your mechanic inspect and refill all your fluids, and have him or her check your automobile’s tires, shocks, transmission, and engine as well. Whenever you catch a potential problem before it grows, you save money in the long run.

4. Put a Car Jack and Toolkit in Your Vehicle

During your road trip, you may find yourself far from civilization. So, even if you have roadside assistance, you may have to wait an hour or more before your rescuers reach you. If you or anyone in your group has experience with vehicles, you may have the ability to change tires and fix engine problems on your own. Keep a jack and other tools in your trunk just in case.

5. Check Your Spare Tire-Or Purchase One

If you already have a spare tire for your vehicle, check its tire pressure and refill it, or have your mechanic refill it. However, if you do not own a spare, then purchase one. The mechanics at your local shop can give you a recommendation on the type of spare tire you should purchase. The spare in question should fit in your trunk and support your car’s axles well enough that they won’t go out of alignment when you use it.

6. Find Mechanics, Hospitals, Pharmacies, and Hotels Before Departure

You have likely plotted your route and told friends and family members about where you’ll be during each leg of your trip. Use that route to find hospitals, mechanics, hotels, and food in each place you plan to stop. If you know where to find these basic services, then you do not have to search for them frantically if a mishap occurs.

7. Pack All the Gear Necessary for the Weather

Have chains, a towing cable, ice melt, coats, blankets, and flares on hand if you plan to drive on snowy roads. Make sure you keep water, umbrellas, and sunscreen in your vehicle for hot weather. No matter what time of year your road trip takes place, you should keep jumper cables in your trunk as well.

8. Take out Cash for Emergencies

Perhaps your bank sees your road-trip expenditures as unusual and freezes your card. Or perhaps you find yourself in a rural area where nobody takes cards. You may also come across an unexpected toll road. Cash works better than a card if you have an emergency situation, so make sure you take out a few hundred dollars before you leave.

9. Have a Paper Map in Addition to an Electronic One

Should your phone or GPS run out of power in a remote area, you should have a paper map on hand with your route marked in a bright color. Paper maps do not run out of batteries, which will enable you to find your way to the next town if your phone and your car battery both run out of power.

10. Make Sure You Bring Identification Documents-Just in Case

If you plan to cross international borders, you must bring a passport and travel visa, where necessary. However, you might want to bring your passport with you even if you do not plan to cross into Canada or Mexico. Should a crisis occur, a passport gives you more solid documentation than a driver’s license.


Most people who go on road trips do not experience problems. However, if chance does throw you a hurdle or two, you can overcome them. Simply keep the information above in mind. 

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