New Mandatory Auto Insurance Law Effective July 1, 2021 from Illinois Secretary of State - Electronic Automobile Insurance Verification

Do Speeding Tickets from Out of State Affect Your Car Insurance Rates

Written by BooAdmin on . Posted in Uncategorized

Anytime you get a speeding ticket, it is likely that your first thought will be about the effect it will have on your auto insurance. Services in Chicago, IL may be affected if you are given a speeding ticket in the city, but what happens if you are given one while driving out of the state?

How Rates are Calculated

When you seek auto insurance services in Chicago, IL, you try to find the best coverage for the cheapest rate. However, do you know what guidelines are used to calculate those rates? Most people don’t. Some auto insurcance providers run your driving record every time your policy renews, but others may only run it every few years.

Due to the specifics of your auto insurance company, an out of state ticket may not show up on your policy right away. Plus, in some cases, they may not show up at all. Not every state makes the effort to notify your home state of traffic violations. If you get lucky and get a ticket in a state that does not report, you may never have to suffer the raised rates a speeding ticket typically causes.

Tickets that Affect Your Rates

Depending on where you live can determine which tickets affect your auto insurance services rate. There are some states that give you one traffic violation without allowing it to go on your insurance record. Having any traffic violations will also negate any “good driver” programs your auto insurance services in Chicago, IL offers. Some of these programs give excellent discounts so being kicked off the program can change your rate drastically.

Another way that tickets affect your rates is with the points system. There are a lot of states that use this type of system to rate your worthiness as a driver. Getting a ticket in another state may or may not affect your points depending on how it is recorded.

The best way to avoid any rate hikes due to speeding tickets is to not get one in the first place. Prevention is always the best remedy. Obey all posted speed limit signs no matter where you are driving. If you do get a ticket in another state, you will want to be sure that you pay it sooner rather than later to ensure that your license doesn’t get suspended for nonpayment.

If you are looking for high-quality auto insurance services in Chicago, IL contact the best: Great Northern Insurance Agency, Inc.

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Great Northern Insurance Agency - South
5632 South Pulaski Rd
Chicago, IL 60629

Phone: 773-838-3900

Great Northern Insurance Agency - West
3618 West 26th Street
Chicago, IL 60623

Phone: 773-838-3900

Great Northern Insurance Agency - North
4155 North Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618

Phone: 773-838-3900